Baldwin Hardware : Door and Cabinet Hardware

Explore a diverse range of pocket door hardware by Baldwin on the DoorKnobsOnline platform. Baldwin, a renowned brand in the door hardware industry, offers a variety of pocket door solutions to cater to different aesthetic and functional needs. The collection includes edge pulls, pocket door sets, and recessed door pulls, ensuring homeowners and designers have ample choices to find the perfect fit for their interiors. Whether you're looking for a contemporary modern touch, a rustic vibe, or a traditional elegance, Baldwin's pocket door hardware range has something for every theme. The available finishes span from the classic polished chrome and venetian bronze to the modern PVD graphite nickel and satin black, allowing users to match or contrast their door hardware with their interior decor seamlessly. Functionality is also a priority, with options for double dummy, passage, and privacy settings. The mount type primarily focuses on mortise installations, ensuring a secure fit for your pocket doors. With Baldwin's commitment to quality and DoorKnobsOnline's vast selection, finding the ideal pocket door hardware has never been easier.

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