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At DoorKnobsOnline.com, we understand the importance of expressing your personal style while ensuring the security of your home. That's why we offer a range of handlesets and entrysets that combine both functionality and individualism. Our selection includes full plate, two-plate, and one-piece handlesets and entrysets, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your preferences. Whether you prefer a rustic, modern, traditional, or unique style, we are confident that we have the perfect entry set for you. We partner with top manufacturers in the industry, such as Kwikset, Weslock, Baldwin, Emtek, Deltana, and Grandeur, to provide you with a wide variety of options. Our handlesets come with various features to cater to different needs, including Bluetooth connectivity, electronic locks, temporary access codes, smart lock capabilities, motorized deadbolts, and even antimicrobial options. We believe that style and individuality should never be compromised for functionality. Our goal is to help you find the handleset that not only enhances the security of your home but also reflects your unique taste and personality. If you're having trouble deciding which handleset is right for you, our friendly customer service representatives are always available to assist you and provide guidance. Choose DoorKnobsOnline.com for high-quality handlesets and entrysets that blend style, individualism, and security seamlessly.

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